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The European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA) 2024, Gdansk (Poland)

Faculty of Management, University of Gdańsk 

Address: 9 Piaskowa St., Sopot, Poland 

[The agenda is subject to change. Registration of participants is open until August 31, 2024. Abstracts are accepted till August 25, 2024.]

Day 1: Monday, September 9, 2024

8.00 – 9.00 Registration

9.00 – 9.15 Opening session Chair: Prof. Mirosław Szreder [Aula C9]

9.15 – 10.00 Keynote speaker, Prof. Evrim Acar Ataman ‘Extracting Insights from Complex Data: (Coupled) Tensor Factorizations & Applications’ Chair: Prof. Adalbert Wilhelm [Aula C9]

10.00-11.00 Invited session – Prof Marcin Pełka ‘Advances in Symbolic and Fuzzy Data Analysis’ [Aula C9]

  1. Marcin Pełka ‘Transformation of symbolic variables for ensemble clustering’
  2. Bartosz Kocot, Paweł Krawczyński ‘Identification of factors influencing customer choice and attrition on streaming platforms’
  3. Andrzej Dudek ‘Symbolic Data Processing with Deep Neural Networks Autoencoders’

11:00 – 11.30 Coffee break

11.30 – 13.00 Contributed sessions

Session A: “Advances in cluster analysis’ Chair: Prof. Józef Pociecha [Room C20]

  1. Adalbert Wilhelm ‘Advancements in Semi-Supervised Clustering for Image Analysis: A Review’
  2. Dorota Rozmus ‘Assessment of the impact of the COVID pandemic on the clustering of Polish regions in terms of gross value added’
  3. Marco Berrettini ‘Mean-restricted Matrix-variate Normals with an application to clustering’
  4. Zdenek Sulc ‘New approaches to hierarchical clustering of mixed-type data’

Session B: ‘Innovative Approaches in Financial and Socio-Economic Analysis’ Chair: Prof. Daniel Baier [Room C21]

  1. Stefan Mathes, Matthias Gehrke ‘Dynamic pricing model for hotel & tourism revenue management systems’
  2. Paweł Miłobędzki, Sabina Nowak ‘The components of Bitcoin’s bid-ask spread. Does the change in tick size matter?’
  3. Justyna Brzezińska ‘Measurement of financial literacy using IRT models’
  4. Katarzyna Cheba, Michał Pietrzak ‘Fuzzy methods and their impact on the results of socio-economic studies’

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.00 Invited session – prof. Gero Szepannek ‘Current Challenges in Explainable AI’ [Aula C9]

  1. Anna Denkowska ‘Deep Neural Networks in the Modeling of the Dependence Structure in Risk Aggregation’
  2. Karsten Lübke, Florian Seliger ‘Failures-to-Deliver on New York Stock Exchange: A Forecasting Approach utilizing Tree-Boosting Modeling’
  3. Gero Szepannek ‘Explanation Groves – Analyzing the Trade off Between Appropriateness and Complexity of a Model Explanation’

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break

15:30 – 17:00 Contributed sessions

Session C: ‘Demographical and socioeconomic issues’ Chair: Prof. Mirosław Szreder [Room C20]

  1. Zuzanna Krysiak ‘Demographic effects of population migration for selected countries’
  2. Grażyna Trzpiot ‘Re-definitions of measures of demographic burden ratio’
  3. Karolina Lewandowska-Gwarda ‘Who is in pole position on the labor market in Poland? Evaluation of spatial diversification of men and women situation on the labor market in Poland (2019-2022)’
  4. Adam Sagan, Anna Myrda ‘Emergent Causality in Family System’

Session D: ‘AI Innovations in Healthcare, Risk Management, and Policy Assessment’ Chair: Prof. Angela Montanari [Room C21]

  1. Michael Thrun ‘Deployment of an Explainable AI system for medical diagnosis as a second opinion’
  2. Francesca Greselin ‘Operational Risk mitigation: utilizing AI and Social Media for Early Event Detection’
  3. Krzysztof Najman, Kamila Migdał Najman, Angelika Kędzierska Szczepaniak, Krzysztof Szczepaniak ‘Assessing the progress of Agenda 2030 implementation in EU member countries using AI modeling and cluster analysis’
  4. Andreas Geyer-Schulz ‘Meta-Genetic Algorithms with the xega R-Package’

20:00 – 23:00 Gala dinner, Hotel Sheraton, Sopot

Day 2: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

9.15 – 10.00 Keynote speaker – Prof. Bettina Grün ‘Clustering Data Using Bayesian Mixture Models’ Chair: Prof. Eyke Hüllermeier [Aula C9]

10.00 – 11.30 Invited session – Prof. Andrea Capozzo ‘Advances in Robust Methodologies’ [Aula C9]

  1. Max Welz ‘Robust estimation and inference with categorical data’
  2. Aurore Archimbaud ‘Robust matrix completion for rating-scale data’
  3. Luca Coraggio ‘Quadratic discriminant score for selecting number of clusters, clustering models and algorithms.’

11.30 – 11.45 Poster session at foyer

  1. Elżbieta Sobczak ‘Digital transformation of enterprises and employment in technologically advanced and knowledge-intensive sectors in the European Union countries’
  2. Katarzyna Raca ‘„Comparative computational analysis of the character relationships in translations using named entity recognition’ 
  3. Anna Gierusz-Matkowska ‘Decomposition of advanced life deferred annuity – a case of Poland’ 
  4. Ewa Wycinka, Marek Balcerzak, Michał Przybyłek ‘Ratebook, a decision-making tool in ‘Hyper-frequent pricing’ class, for smaller and medium insurers’
  5. Ewa Majerowska, Alicja Grzenkowicz, Corporate bankruptcy: comparative analysis in European union
  6. Agnieszka Pobłocka, Spousal pension benefits to reduce the gender gap in pensions and the risk of poverty or social exclusion

11.45 – 12.00 Coffee break

12.00 – 13.30 Invited session – Prof. Silvia Salini ‘Depth-based methods for data of complex structure’ [Aula C9]

  1. Eva Boj, Aurea Grané, Agustín Mayo-Íscar, ‘Robust distance-based generalized linear models: A new tool for classification’
  2. Edoardo Redivo, Cinzia Viroli ‘Efficient classification with integrated depth functions’
  3. Aurea Grané, Silvia Salini, Gabriele Infante ‘A new distance for categorical data with moderate association’
  4. Giancarlo Manzi ‘Transforming social media to survey data through a chat bot-based approach: A case on the elderly well-being’

13.30 – 14.30 Lunch

15:00 – 21:00 Visit to the Old Town of Gdansk, reception, ECS sightseeing, dinner

Day 3: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

9.15 – 10.00 Keynote speaker – Prof. Paweł Lula ‘Topic identification in analysis of scientific productivity – models, methods, and tools’ Chair: Prof. Berthold Lausen [Aula C9]

10:00 10:45 Invited session- Prof. Marcin Szymkowiak and Prof. Maciej Beręsewicz ‘Non-probability samples for official statistics’ [Aula C9]

  1. Mirosław Szreder ‘Representative sample – the need and the proposal for a definition’
  2. Arkadiusz Kozłowski ‘Accuracy of Complex Estimation Based on Nonprobability Samples in a Social Survey – Simulation Based on EU-SILC Microdata’
  3. Marcin Szymkowiak, Maciej Beręsewicz ‘Quantile balancing inverse probability weighting for non-probability samples’

10.45 – 11.15 Coffee break

11.15 – 12.00 Contributed sessions

Session E: ‘Sustainable and Digital Transformation’ Chair: Prof. Grażyna Trzpiot [Room C20]

  1. Agnieszka Brelik, Katarzyna Cheba, Arkadiusz Malkowski, Michał Pietrzak, Magdalena Olczyk ‘Mapping Sustainable Transformation in Co-creation Perspective: Applying Multidimensional Comparative Methods in Systematic Literature Review’
  2. Zino Brystowski ‘Multi-view stacking for theory development’
  3. Ludwig Maximilian Lausser ‘Vindicating Ordinal Relations’

Session F: ‘Analytical Methods in Data Visualization and Decision Making’ Chair: Prof. Francesca Greselin [Room C21]

  1. Małgorzata Markowska, Andrzej Sokołowski ‘Graphical Illustration of 2xk Contingency Table and Post-hoc Ad Hoc Inference’
  2. Benjamin Nimako ‘Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) based on performance indicators of energy scenarios’
  3. Daniel Baier ‘Measuring Technology Acceptance over Time by Online Customer Reviews Based Transfer Learning’

12.00 – 12.45 Keynote speaker Prof. Line Clemmensen ‘Machine learning in psychiatry with distribution shifts, fairness and explainability in mind’ Chair: Prof. Krzysztof Jajuga [Aula C9]

12:45 13.00 Closing session Chair: Prof. Krzysztof Jajuga [Aula C9]

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14:00 – 17:35 VI German – Polish Seminar on Data Analysis and Applications  

[Detailed agenda of seminarium]